Monthly Archives: February 2022

Ted Reeve Arena Skating-Hockey School resumes Sunday, February 6, 2022, 1:00pm to 3:45pm

To our Ted Reeve Arena Skating-Hockey School families,

We are delighted to advise that our Sunday afternoon programming is scheduled to resume this Sunday, February 6, 2022. 

Please note that proof of vaccination will continue to be required for those age 12 and older. The City has also notified permit holders that enhanced vaccine certificates with QR codes are the only acceptable form of proof of vaccination for entry. As usual masks are still required while indoors.

If you are feeling unwell you should stay home.  If you can, please rapid test and let us know.  If testing is not an option, please stay home a minimum of 5 days with symptoms resolving (vaccinated) and 10 days if unvaccinated.

COVID Symptoms:

If you have ONE or more of the following symptoms it is likely you have COVID-19 and are contagious:

·  fever

·  cough

·  shortness of breath or trouble breathing

·  decreased or loss of taste or smell

If you have TWO or more of the following symptoms, it is highly likely you have COVID-19 and are contagious:

·  runny nose or nasal congestion

·  headache

·  extreme fatigue or tiredness

·  sore throat

·  muscle aches or joint pain

·  GI symptoms (such as vomiting or diarrhea)

If a household member has symptoms and/or tests positive on a rapid test, you should stay home for a minimum of 5 days and return only if you are feeling well.

We look forward to seeing you Sunday.

Your Ted Reeve Arena Skating-Hockey School Volunteers

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