Category Archives: News

Ted Reeve Skating-Hockey School Info & Last Session

​Hi everyone! 

First off thank you to everyone who made it out to our 2020-2021 registration session last week, I think it was our calmest one yet!

As expected, Skate 1 has reached capacity and we have closed registration​.  ​There are very limited Skate 2 and Skate 2/Hockey spots still available, please send us an email if you’re interested.

Apologies to anyone we had to turn away, we truly wish we could accept every skater.  We will work hard in September to move our skaters up in the hopes of creating space. Please keep an eye on our website/Facebook page for updates of future availability. 

Our last session of this 2019-2020 season is ​​Sunday March 22nd  and we will be playing some friendly shinny.  SK1 skaters will play from 1:05 to 1:50, and our SK2 and SK2/H participants will play for one hour from 1:50pm to 2:50pm.  Note that we finish an hour earlier than our usual time.  Bring a stick; if you don’t have one, we will find one for you come see us in dressing room 7. 

Thanks as always for your continued support! 
The Volunteer Instructors of Ted Reeve Skating-Hockey School 

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