Category Archives: News

Welcome Back!

The most wonderful time of the year is upon us – back to school and back on the ice! We are very excited to announce that the Ted Reeve Arena Skating-Hockey School’s 48th year of SK1, SK2, and SK2/Hockey programming will start this Sunday, September 16th, 2018 at the Ted Reeve Community Arena, 175 Main Street, Toronto.

SKATING SCHOOL 1 Beginner students Age 5 & Up 1:05pm – 1:50pm

SKATING SCHOOL 2 Students Age 8 years & Up 1:50pm – 2:35pm

SKATING 2 & HOCKEY SCHOOL 1:50pm – 3:50pm

Dates for 2018-2019 are as follows:

Classes start Sunday, September 16, 2018 and will finish Sunday, March 24, 2019. There will be no classes on October 7 (Thanksgiving), December 23 and December 30, 2018 (Christmas).


Hockey skates, C.S.A. approved helmet and full face guard, neck guard, hockey gloves, shoulder pads, elbow pads, hockey pants, shin pads, athletic support and cup, hockey socks and sweater. Students will not be permitted to participate without all of the above properly fitted equipment. No figure skates will be permitted and please avoid plastic-boot skates. Hockey sticks are required for hockey school only. If you are new to the sport, feel free to drop by the instructor’s dressing room #7 to ask any of us for help. Student dressing room #s will be posted downstairs in the dressing room area.

ALL SESSIONS ARE FULL AND WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING NEW REGISTRATIONs FOR SK1, SK2 OR SK2/HOCKEY. As we had record pre-registration this year, we may need to allocate some of our SK1 skaters to the 1:50-2:35pm time to balance our ice. Please bear with us during the first weeks as we work to get all of our students in the correct groups.

Ted Reeve Arena Skating-Hockey School Incorporated is a not-for-profit corporation established in 1970 to promote, teach and practice the fundamentals of skating and hockey, sportsmanship and fair play for boys and girls in a safe and accessible environment. All Instructors and Directors are volunteers. WE ARE SEEKING ADDITIONAL VOLUNTEERS, PARTICULARLY FOR OUR SK1 SESSIONS WHERE NEW SKATERS NEED THE MOST INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION TO GET THEM STARTED. If you or an older child you know (age 14+, with experience) are interested in volunteering with us, please come see us in dressing room 7 to fill out a volunteer application form. Our School has successfully operated for 47 years solely due to the volunteerism of hockey families in the community.

Looking forward to another great season!

Joan, Paul, Mike, Tom, Aodhan, Hilary, Wayne, Oliver, Andrew, Eddie, Eamonn, Seamus, Kendra, and all our other volunteer Instructors.

“Hockey parents are the best parents in the world, the most unselfish, generous parents in the world.” Don Cherry