Category Archives: News

2018-2019 Season Registration Update

Hello TRSHS family!

We have good news and bad news for you.

The good news: our pre-registration session on Sunday had record attendance.  Thank you to all who made it out!  We are flattered by your interest in our programs.

The bad news: with so many numbers we have had to close registration for Skate 1, Skate 2, and Skate2/Hockey for the 2018/2019 season.

What does this mean?

If you registered with us, in-person, on Sunday February 25th, your child/children are guaranteed a spot, but the time they are on the ice is to be determined.

We will be creating a “Skate 1+” group for students at the top skill level of Skate 1, but who are not quite ready yet for Skate 2.  Skate 1+ students will be on the ice from 1:50 – 2:35pm, and their skill level will be assessed week-to-week, to promote them as soon as they are eligible for the full Skate 2 group, with the option of Hockey approval as well. If your child is chosen for this new Skate 1+ group, you will receive a separate email with more information.

If you were unable to attend pre-reg on Sunday, as mentioned before we have unfortunately had to close registration for all sessions.   As always, we will focus on graduating our SK1+ and SK1 students into SK2/H sessions as soon as possible and will keep our website updated as to future availability in the Fall of 2018.

We apologize that we cannot accept everyone due to our ice availability, and most importantly for the safety and quality of our programming.

Thanks for your support!

For those families already skating with us, we have only four more Sundays left, with our last day being March 25 for some friendly shinny from 1:00m to 3:00pm.

 – Paul, Joan, Mike, Eamonn, Aohdan, Hilary, Oliver, Andrew, Wayne, Eddie, Seamus, and the rest of our volunteer instructors and juniors