Category Archives: News

Pre-Registration for September/2018 to March/2019 season

Hello Hockey fans,

We hope everyone had a safe and happy Family Day long weekend!  And congratulations to our 2018 Women’s Olympic Hockey Team on their Silver Medal.

We will be holding our first of two Pre-Registration sessions for the September/2018 to March/2019 season this Sunday February 25th starting at noon in the arena snack bar. 

Fees for the 2018/2019 season (25 Sundays) are:

Skating School 1: $125.00

Skating School 2: $125.00

Skating School 2 and Hockey School: $220.00

As you may know, our Skate 1 spaces always fill up quickly so we strongly encourage you to pre-register this Sunday to secure a spot for next Fall.  In recent years we have had to close SK1 registrations during the pre-registration period.

Eligibility for Skate 2 and Skate 2/Hockey requires developed skating skills including: balance & fall recovery, left and right leg stride and glide, inside and outside edge control, backwards skating, forward and backward “C” cuts, and fundamental parallel stopping skills (i.e. no “snow plow” stops).   Full equipment is required for all sessions.

You can access a registration form, and other information on the Registration Info page of our website, we will have blank ones available on Sunday as well.

Please note:

  1. Students in Skate 1 must be age 5 as of December 31, 2018 (born 2013 or earlier) to be accepted.
  2. We require proof of age for your child(ren) to register.
  3. Cash or cheque only; no debit or credit cards.

Our last skate of this season will be Sunday, March 25, 2018 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.  Please bring a stick for some friendly end-of-season shinny!

Also, if you haven’t yet liked our Facebook page, please do so here; photos from our Christmas Skate with Santa have been posted!

Final note, all of our loaner neck guards have gone missing, if you find one in your child’s hockey bag please return it to an instructor.

Thanks, see you at the rink!

– Mike, Tom, Paul, Wayne, Aodhan, Eamonn, Joan, Hilary, Eddie, Oliver, Alison, Andrew, Seamus, Joseph, Ethan, Sean, Lucas and all our volunteer Instructors