Some Updates & Pre-Registration Info for next Season

  1. Registration for the 2022-2023 season is closed
  2. For our registered skaters there are just 9 Sundays remaining! Our last Sunday classes will be held March 26th, 2023 when we will be playing friendly shinny with all groups. Note that classes will be held on Family Day weekend (February 19th, 2023.)
  3. Our one pre-registration session for the September 2023 – March 2024 season will be held in-person in the front lobby at Ted Reeve Community Arena on Sunday March 5, 2023 starting at noon.  Registration is in- person only, and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served, basis.  Our Skate 1 program typically fills-up so while we can’t say exactly when, we recommend coming early.  If you cannot make this date, you can send someone else with your completed and signed form and payment. You can download a 2023/2024 registration form here.

 Your Volunteer Instructors

Ted Reeve Skating and Hockey School

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