Greetings Ted Reeve Skating-Hockey School families,
Great news! The Ted Reeve Arena renovations are almost complete and we are confident we’ll be back on the ice in the New Year!
Some important notes and dates:
1. Registration for the January – April/2024 session will be on Sunday, January 7th, 2024, starting at noon in the front lobby area of Ted Reeve Community Arena (not in the snack bar)
- Registration is in-person only, and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served, basis until we reach capacity
- As you may know, our spaces fill up quickly, particularly in Skate 1, so we strongly encourage you to arrive early and register to secure a spot
- Fees for Skate 1or Skate 2 are $80, fees for Skate 2/Hockey are $140
2. All Skate 1, Skate 2, and Skate 2/Hockey sessions will begin on Sunday January 14, 2024 and will run to an extended season end date of Sunday April 28, 2024
- There will be no classes on February 18th (Family Day weekend) and March 31, 2024 (Easter weekend.)
Please download a registration form here.
Like us on Facebook here.
Sharpen those skates – we are so SO excited to be back on the ice with our students!
– Your Ted Reeve Arena Skating-Hockey School Volunteers