Registration for the September/2019 to March/2020 Season 

Hello Hockey fans,

We hope everyone had a safe, spooky, and fun Halloween!

We continue to receive registration inquiries and advise as follows:

Session Space:

We remain at capacity and registration will remain closed for the rest of the 2018 calendar year. We continue to work to “graduate” our Skate 1 students into Skate 2 to balance our groups and will reassess capacity in January, 2019.

2019-2020 Registration:

We have scheduled one Registration session for the September/2019 to March/2020 season for Sunday, February 24th, 2019, starting at noon in the arena snack bar. As you may know, our spaces fill up quickly, particularly in Skate 1, so we strongly encourage you to register on February 24 and secure a spot for next Fall.  Placements will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis until we reach capacity.  Cash or cheque accepted.

Students in Skate 1 must be age 5 as of December 31, 2019 (born 2014 or earlier) to be accepted.

Eligibility for Skate 2 and Skate 2/Hockey requires developed skating skills including: balance & fall recovery, left and right leg stride and glide, inside and outside edge control, backwards skating,forward and backward “C” cuts, and fundamental parallel stopping skills ( “snow plow” stops).   Full equipment is required for all sessions.

Thanks, see you on the ice!

Mike, Joan, Tom, Paul, Oliver, Andrew, Aodhan, Eamonn, Hilary, Kendra, Wayne, Eddie, Seamus, Jon, and all our volunteer juniors